Browse by Phenomena
Right side of photo (your body's left side): This side represents energy coming in, the passive, feminine receptive (yin) side of your body. It indicates future energy that you are cultivating and calling in. As this is the energy we are working with internally, it can be seen as how we view ourselves. This side is representative of your emotional and imaginative aspects.
Center or top of photo (everything above your forehead): This area represents your consciousness, the present energy, thoughts, feelings and emotions you are experiencing. The closer the colors are, the more intensely you are thinking about or experiencing them.
If there is a band of color stretching like an arch within the top half of the image, this is indicative of something you hold in high esteem or something you are working towards connecting to - hopes/goals/aspirations.
Auras that expand out indicate expansion, expressiveness, extroversion, social activity, desire for connection, gregariousness, positive outlook, sense of adventure. Auras closer in indicate inward focus, sensitivity, desire for solitude, meditation, peace, tranquility, or rest. The key word here is boundaries.
Left side of photo (your body's right side): This side represents energy going out, the masculine expressive (yang) side of your body. It indicates recent past energy that has passed through, now being released and expressed. As this energy is external, it can also be also be viewed as how others perceive you, aka your persona. Colors on this side relate to tangible / physical changes and memories.
Throat / Communication: This area indicates how you communicate. It only tends to illuminate during periods when we are being candid & outspoken.
Heart / Center: This area indicates energy coming from your heart space. Colors tend to show up only during periods of strong feeling & emotion, or also when we intentionally open up and are connected to this energy center.
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